The Internal Auditor of today is expected, more than ever before, to perform a fine (re)balancing act, with
grace and confidence, with integrity and foresight. To empower Internal Auditors, as they navigate these
challenging times, there is a need to create collaborative spaces where key issues can be discussed and
concerns can be voiced so that solutions evolve.
This blog initiated by the Internal Audit Committee of the Bombay Chartered Accountants' Society is one such
collaborative space.
Internal Auditing – Venturing beyond mandated boundaries
Organising BCAS RRC – Learnings for Internal Audit
A bag full of ideas… An Internal Auditor’s journey
Idle internal auditor patient spots control gaps, entirely unnecessarily
Relevance of Post Qualification Professional Certifications
Internal Financial Controls: Testing Times!!
Importance of Being (Internal Audit) Earnest
Reflections on ‘value addition’ by Internal Audit
A day in the life of a Chief Audit Executive (CAE)