The BCAS Union Budget 2024-25 | Book Now Know More

Direct Taxes Home Refresher Course – 4

The Taxation Committee of the Bombay Chartered Accountants’ Society is pleased to present the 4th “Direct Taxes Home Refresher Course” jointly with All India Federation of Tax Practitioners (CZ), Association of Chartered Accountants, Chennai; Chartered Accountants Association, Ahmedabad; CA Association of Jalandhar; The Chartered Accountants Study Circle, Chennai; Hyderabad Chartered Accountants Society; Karnataka State Chartered Accountants’ Association and Lucknow Chartered Accountants’ Society.

Speakers : Various Speakers

Virtual Platform

Key Highlights of The Event

    Nothing is certain in life except death and taxes as said by Benjamin Franklin. In recent times, especially after the pandemic in 2020, most of the tax legislations are aimed towards simplicity by curtailing deductions and rationalizing tax rates. There have been few important amendments made in tax laws to check tax avoidance and evasion. The continuous efforts made in gathering data from multiple agencies and generating a single statement based on PAN have been successful in the form of AIS/TIS. This has helped the government to widen the tax base in last two years. The government has also introduced many amendments aimed to boost foreign investments in financial services sector (especially IFSC), manufacturing sector and start – ups. In order, to keep our members updated on various such amendments and relearn some of the vexed topics in the income tax law, Society has once again come up with a unique and popular program, Direct Tax Home Refresher Course – 4. Like last year, we have designed this program jointly with eight other sister organizations so that a much larger number of tax practitioners across India can take benefit of the course.