The BCAS Union Budget 2024-25 | Book Now Know More

75 Years To Building India's Largest Community Of Chartered Accountants

BCAS is a uniquely positioned pan-India voluntary organisation of Chartered Accountants established in 1949 represented by membership across 250+ cities\towns of India. BCAS endeavours to be a principle-centred, learning-oriented organisation promoting quality professional education, networking and excellence in the profession of Chartered Accountancy. BCAS acts as a catalyst for better and more effective regulatory policies for cleaner and more efficient administration and governance.

President's Message

Anand Bathiya President

0+ Members & Subscribers

0+ Man Hours Of Annual Learning

0+ Learning Events In A Year

0+ Research Publications

The BCA Journal - A Sought After Monthly Mouth-Piece Of The Society

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Trending Articles From BCA Journal

March of Law and Judiciary

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Accelerating India’s March of Education with Technology

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Whether an Inordinate Delay in the Disposal of Appeals by the First Appellate Authorities is Justifiable?

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Builders and Developers – Understanding Reconciliation of GST and Accounting Records

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BCAS Activities

Learning Events -

High-quality learning events on technical and professional development themes continue round-the-year at BCAS. These curated events are designed with the objective to upskill the membership and the community at large.

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Publications +

The monthly mouthpiece of the Society, the BCA Journal, is a best-in-class professional journal for Chartered Accountants. In addition, the Society publishes various focussed research publications which are highly valued in the professional community.

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Advocacy +

As one of India's leading think-tank of Chartered Accountants, the Society actively represents the interest of stakeholders with legislative and regulatory decision-makers. Working in national interest and balancing economic considerations, BCAS continuously pursues advocacy in the larger interest of national and professional development.

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Community +

The BCAS community is represented by a vibrant collective of motivated, ethical professionals yearning for knowledge and professional development. BCAS also engages closely with the community at large through BCAS Foundation, a not-for-profit organization working in areas of education, healthcare and related causes.

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I would like to convey that BCAS has its level and class apart - both knowledge-wise and network-wise. Very much thankful to society and all its members for various initiatives.

Vihit Vasani

It was a great learning experience. I believe this ITF has enriched the participants in terms of knowledge and has helped us stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.

Chaitee Londhe

It gives me contentment to state that BCAS not only offers continuous technical upgradation of your knowledge but also gives you an abundance of opportunities for self-transformation.

Harshal Bhuta

I am glad to be part of some of the truly enriching and informative conferences/ sessions that have aided in the development of competencies and expertise of tax professionals.

Vishal Singh

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