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Membership Types

Life Membership
₹15000 + GST One-time

Lifetime access to BCAS events at preferential member rates
Access to ‘members only’ events
Access to Library at BCAS Center for Professional Excellence
Study Circle Membership optionality
Access ‘Friends of BCAS’ affinity program
Get involved and volunteer
annual membership
₹2500 + GST Per Year

BCAJ Journal Included

Annual membership for a financial year (April to March)
Access BCAS events at preferential member rates
Access to ‘members only’ events
BCAS Journal included for one year
E-Journal access for the past 18 years
Access to Library at BCAS Center for Professional Excellence
Study Circle Membership optionality
Access ‘Friends of BCAS’ affinity program
Get involved and volunteer
Journal Subscription
₹1200 Per Year

BCAJ Journal Included

BCAS Journal Subscription for one year
E-Journal access for the past 18 years
Access ‘Friends of BCAS’ affinity program

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Corporate Membership

The Corporate Membership at BCAS is available to companies and organizations employing chartered accountants. The Corporate Membership program at BCAS extends to 2 (two) nominated chartered accountants of a member organization. The nominated members get access to member benefits throughout the period of Corporate Membership.

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Gift Membership

There is no better than the gift of knowledge. Gift a membership, is an initiative allowing the gifting of coveted BCAS membership to deserving chartered accountants. Highly recommended for firms and companies to gift a BCAS membership to budding chartered accountants and initiate them into the world of high-quality professional development.

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Student Membership

BCAS has a very active student membership that conceptualizes, plans and executes CA student-specific events and activities. Become a student member and get a chance to learn and network with peer students pursuing the chartered accountancy course.

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How a Membership will help you !

Professional Learning & Development to the Core-

Priority access at discounted rates to more than 50 Learning Events in a year. Exclusive Residential Programmes.

Access to BCAS self-paced learning portal+

Open access to the BCAS Digital Learning portal. Access to various self-paced courses & videos.

Journal Subscription & E-Journal+

Subscription to BCAJ a leading professional Mouth-Piece. Access E-Journal for the last 22 years (along with Journal Subscription).


Platform to Network, Learn and Grow with other Corporates, Professionals, Peers, Students.

Opportunity to Volunteer+

Write, Speak, Serve taxpayer's cause, get active with RTI and other activities of the 10 Committees.

Access to the Library +

Access to a Library with more than 1000+ Books, Journals and Online databases.

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