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Society News for month of July 2023


1. Direct Tax Laws Study Circle meeting on recent SC Rulings

The Direct Tax Laws Committee of the Society organised a virtual meeting on 9th June, 2023 to discuss the recent Supreme Court Rulings. Chaired by Speaker, Natwar G. Thakrar, the meeting discussed the following rulings:

i. US Technology Intl Pvt Ltd vs. CIT [2023]

ii. CIT vs. Mansukh Dyeing & Printing Mills [2021]

iii. Singapore Airlines Ltd vs. CIT [2022]

iv. New Noble Education Society vs. CIT & Ors [2022]

The speaker explained the rulings to the attendees in a simplistic yet detailed manner. He began the explanation with Facts of the Case followed by Issue before the Supreme Court and concluded by ruling of the Apex Court.

The speaker then took up questions from the attendees wherein possible arguments to the rulings, other judicial precedents were discussed. The session concluded with a vote of thanks.

2. Seminar on ESG by the Internal Audit Commitee

A full-day ESG seminar was conducted by the BCAS Internal Audit Committee on 9th June, 2023. Titled ‘Decoding ESG through an Internal Auditor’s lens, the meeting was organised in a hybrid mode by the Internal Audit Committee of the Society. It aimed to enable the current and future generation of internal auditors to capitalise on the next-wave of ESG. A total of 87 participants attended this seminar, with a good mix of experienced professionals, new CAs and young aspiring CA students.

The seminar featured a unique blend of speakers from the industry, practice and consultancy who showcased their in-depth knowledge and insights on the subject. Each session was thoughtfully curated to include practical illustrations, real-life case scenarios and interactive communication with all participants. The seminar covered the following key topics:

  • ESG and the pivotal role of Internal auditors in today’s scenario
  • Basic principles, challenges faced and reporting requirements under ESG framework in India
  • Practical guide on driving and implementing the ESG agenda
  • Adding value to ESG ecosystem as Internal auditors

The speakers at the seminar included CA Nawshir Mirza, CA Mukundan KV, Ms. Chaitanya Kommukuri, CA Abhay Mehta, CA Raj Mullick, CA Vijayalakshmi S, CA Ashutosh Pednekar

The seminar was very well received by all the participants as was evident from their enthusiastic participation during Q&A sessions.

3. Lecture Meeting on Succession Planning and Drafting of Wills

BCAS organised a lecture meeting on ‘Succession Planning and Drafting of Wills’ on 2nd June, 2023. The meeting was organised with an aim to serve the members residing in the western suburbs. It began with an insightful presentation by CA Anup Shah on the following important aspects of wills and succession planning:

  • Scope of succession planning
  • Assets to be consider
  • Legal implications in case where a person dies intestate and what if he had a prepared a will under all personal law in general and Hindu Succession Act (HSA) in specific
  • Daughter’s right under HSA – prior to and post 2005 amendments
  • Creation, Partition and dissolution of HUF under HSA and under the Income Tax Act
  • Estate planning options through-Trust, Wills and Joint nomination
  • Effect of nomination for immovable property and shares
  • Rights of Joint Holder vs. Nominee
  • Wills – What is a will, Who can make, How to make a will, concept of beneficiary, administrator
  • Some Myths about the Wills
  • Registration of Wills and Probate
  • Recent developments on the methodology of preparing the wills – Video will, digital will, social custom will, organ donation
  • Tax implications on wills and inheritance
  • Private trust
  • Gift/ release deed/ revocation of gift

The speaker addressed the queries raised by the members. The meeting was attended by more than 125 participants.

4. Release of BCAS publication – FAQs on Charitable Trust

The eagerly-awaited BCAS publication – FAQ on Charitable Trust was launched at the lecture meeting held on 2nd June 2023 in Mumbai. Released under the Shailesh Kapadia Memorial Publication fund, the publicationn covers FAQs on various important topics under Bombay Public Trust Act, Direct Tax, Indirect Tax, FCRA and CSR.

Drafted in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), the publication helps readers find the information they need. The questions have been carefully selected from a wide range of topics to provide in-depth knowledge on each subject. Their answers have been written in simple and easy to understand language making it accessible to everyone regardless of their legal background. Besides the Charitable Trust, the publication is likely to benefit professionals like lawyers, chartered accountants and consultants who advise charitable trust on legal and regulatory compliances.

Conceptualised by Late CA Tushar Doctor, the publication is authored by CA (Dr) Gautam Shah covering the topic of direct tax and other laws, and CA Naresh Sheth on the topic of indirect tax. It is reviewed by CA Anil Sathe, CA Himanshu Kishnadwala, CA Sunil Gabhawala, CA Gautam Nayak and Mr Nasir Dadrawala.

5. TDS and TCS Provisions – A 360° Perspective

IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry teamed up with the Bombay Chartered Accountants Society, and Chamber of Tax Consultants to organise a full day seminar on “TDS and TCS Provisions – a 360° Perspective” at its premises.

Held on 2nd June, 2023, the inaugural session of the seminar was managed by Anant Singhania, President, IMC; CA Chirag Doshi, Vice President, BCAS; CA Parag Ved, President, Chamber of Tax Consultant with a welcome address by CA Rajan Vora, Chairman, Direct-tax Committee, IMC.

Hosted in a hybrid mode, the seminar was attended by more than 300 participants. Before initiating the sessions, Rajan Vora, Chairman, Direct Taxation Committee, IMC, highlighted the need to streamline and simplify the TDS and TCS provisions as well as the related compliances to enable Ease of Doing Business in the true sense.

The seminar also included an interactive session with the attendees to highlight key topics like Domestic TDS & TCS provisions, Penalty, Prosecution and Compounding procedures under TDS/ TCS regime, TDS from payments to non-residents, etc.

Sangam Shrivastava, erstwhile Pr. CCIT (IT & TP), West Zone delivered the keynote address where he explained that even after amendment to section 115A by FA 2023, benefit of lower rate as per DTAA will be available to taxpayer instead of 20 per cent. (SC+EC). He also emphasised on reducing of litigation and increase dialogue between taxpayer and tax department.

Brajesh Kumar Singh, CCIT (TDS), Mumbai urged professionals to act as guide to taxpayers to undertake TDS compliances. He advised them to caution taxpayer that delay in TDS payment is tracked centrally and flagged by system thereby leaving no scope for department to not to initiate prosecution even in smallest of cases.

Moderated by Samir Kanabar from EY, the first session discussed issues under Domestic TDS & TCS provisions. The issues discussed on TDS included those under section, 193, 194-O, 194R, 194-Q, 194 BA, etc, TCS provisions under section 206C particular 206C(1G) and 206C(1H) were also discussed. The panelists for this session included Vikas Aggarwal from Novartis and Yogesh Thar from BSM

The second session was moderated by CA Atul Suraiya. It discussed issues pertaining to Penalty, Prosecution and Compounding procedures under TDS/ TCS regime

Other issues like penal and prosecution provision and compounding of offences; belated filing of returns/ belated payment of taxes; interest under section 201 and 201(1A), etc were also discussed.

Moderated by CA Shabbir Motorwala, the third session discussed issues related to TDS under section 195 from payments to non-residents

Other practical issues discussed at the session included: Non-filers checking, Lower deduction of tax; Rectifications of returns filed; Excess deduction – refund; Penal provision and compounding of offences; Belated filing of returns/belated payment of taxes; Interest under section 201 and 201(1A); Mechanism for Clarifications; etc.

The session also discussed issues arising on account of increase in rate of royalty/FTS taxation under Act, by FA 2023 and issues arising for filing of form 10F.

The conference was graced by eminent tax experts from the corporate and professional sectors as well as from the revenue department. who as panelists provided a comprehensive perspective and a blend of theoretical and practical solutions to the questions posed.

Comprising panel discussions and presentation sessions on relevant TDS and TCS issue, the seminar ended on a high note.

6. Recent PMLA notification and its impact on professional service firms

The Society organised a virtual panel discussion on 30th May, 2023 on the impact of the recent PMLA notification on professional service firms. The Panelist for the session were R N Dash, IRS and Adv Ashwani Taneja while the moderator was CA Anand Bathiya.

In his opening remarks, the moderator noted that the recent PMLA notification has brought about a sense of anxiety amongst CAs and certain other professionals due to increasing reporting obligations and greater responsibilities. He referred to it as the “fear of the unknown” and hoped that the discussion would clarify a lot of such fears and doubts.

Thereafter, both the panelists Dash and Adv Ashwani Taneja outlined the rationale behind the notifications dated 3rd May, 2023 and 9th May, 2023, which primarily stemmed from the FATF guidelines. Further, they indicated that
the notification expects the Professional Accountants to focus on the KYC and beneficial ownership status of their clients and to maintain complete details of their transactions.

The summary of the amendments covering the following matters were also touched upon:

  • The obligations of Reporting Entities.
  • Manner of verification of the identity of the clients by the Reporting Entity.
  • Record maintenance in respect of specified transactions (covering buying and selling of investments and properties, managing client money, managing bank and security accounts etc.) undertaken or attempted to be undertaken.
  • Timelines for maintenance of records.
  • Enhanced due diligence to be undertaken in respect of all specified transactions by the reporting entities.

Powers of the Enforcement Directors and FIU-Ind

The discussion covered various questions put forth by the moderator and also by the participants which were comprehensively answered by the speakers. Some of the major points covered are as under:

  • Services like internal audit undertaken as an employee of the Company are not covered.
  • Services like virtual CFO in the capacity of a consultant are covered.
  • In respect of tax related services it is better to avoid collection and reimbursement on behalf of clients.
  • Currently, statutory audit services are not covered.
  • Professionals should not adopt a casual attitude going forward, since the cost of non-compliance could be very high in many situations.
  • Providing assistance in writing of the books of accounts of entities involved in suspicious transactions are not covered.
  • Whilst undertaking transactions and assignments on behalf of clients the arm’s length principle should be adopted.
  • Not to get associated with Benami Transactions.
  • No clarity on whether a CA in his individual capacity or a firm of CAs would be considered as a Reporting Entity.
  • Whilst independent directors appointed in their individual capacity are not covered. If they are nominees or representatives of the specified entities who undertake suspicious transactions, they would be covered. Similar considerations would also apply to trustees appointed.
  • Entities providing space for use as a Registered Office and indulging in suspicious transactions are also covered.
  • Pending the notification of the rules on certain matters it is important for Reporting Entities to maintain proper record for all specified transactions.

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7. Serious threat to the US Banking System and US Dollar- International Economics Study Group meeting

The International Economics Study Group organised a virtual meeting on 29th May, 2023 to discuss the serious threat being faced by the US’ banking system currently. Chaired by CA Harshad Shah, the meeting noted, currently all US mid-cap banks are ‘full of’ bad commercial property loans worth $5.6 trillion. Confidence in the world’s largest banking system (American) is shaken and this could spread as there are concerns about Asset Liability mismatch, holding securities which have lost value since interest rates have risen at a sharp clip with brutal 450 basis points rise in interest rate in just 1 year from a near zero levels. Banks are sitting on $1.7 trillion in unrealized losses. Many U.S. banks have $7 trillion in uninsured bank deposits lying with them, which if withdrawn can create sudden rush.

Further, the meeting discussed the serious challenges being faced by the Petro Dollar as many oil exporting countries (like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Venezuela, Russia) are looking at dealing in local currencies and avoiding Dollar due to threats of US sanctions and misuse of SWIFT.

Dedollarisation is fast catching up as many countries are entering and negotiating alternative to Dollar like bilateral currencies due to threats of blocking in SWIFT & other sanctions.

CA Milan Sanghani shared his views on current state of markets.

8. Internal Audit Mumbai Pune Express # 1

The inaugural edition of Internal Audit Mumbai Pune Express was held at MCCIA Trade Tower, Pune on 26th May, 2023. The event was jointly organized by the Internal Audit Committee of Bombay Chartered Accountants’ Society and IIA Pune Audit Club.

This was the first event held by the IA Committee of the Bombay Chartered Accountants’ Society in Pune.

The keynote address was delivered by Satish Shenoy who shared his views on “The focus – leveraging external events to deliver exceptional value”.

Dr. Milind Watve, a data scientist, presented his thoughts on “Data Analytics & Statistics in IA – a scientific view.”

A panel discussion ensued thereafter, whereby the panelists included Milind Limaye, Sanjay Deodhar and Satish Shenoy. The session was moderated by Madhavi Bhalerao. The topic for the panel discussion was “IA Standards – Mandatory or Recommendatory?”

Sameer Maheshwari delivered his session on “Auditing when the going is good”.

The last technical session for the day was by Arnob Choudhuri, who presented on the topic “IA Role in Business Responsibility & Sustainability Reporting”.

A total of 38 participants attended the day-long event which recorded a positive feedback.

The next edition of the Internal Audit Mumbai Pune Express series would be announced in due course.

9. Indirect Tax Laws Study Circle Meeting Specific issues in Customs laws, SEZ

The Indirect Tax Laws Committee of the Society organised a virtual study circle meeting on 25th May, 2023 under the leadership of CA. Prerana Shah. Ms. Shah had prepared six case studies regarding interplay of Customs and GST laws. The presentation and discussion broadly covered the intricacies on the following topics:

1. HSN classification and rates of custom duty on import of goods in India

2. Anti-dumping duties and import under advance authorisation

3. Related Party Transactions under Customs Laws in regard to valuation,

4. Value of export of goods under customs Law and GST Law

5. Special Economic Zones – Refund

6. Duty drawback, manufacturing under bond and FTWZ

More than 80 participants from across India participated in the meeting. The meeting was mentored by CA Udayan Chokshi

10. Direct Tax Home Refresher Course – 4

The Taxation Committee organised the Direct Tax Home Refresher Course 4 with eight other sister organizations i.e. All India Federation of Tax Practitioners (CZ), Association of Chartered Accountants, Chennai; Chartered Accountants Association, Ahmedabad; CA Association of Jalandhar; The Chartered Accountants Study Circle, Chennai; Hyderabad Chartered Accountants Society; Karnataka State Chartered Accountants’ Association and Lucknow Chartered Accountants’ Society.

Held from 15th May, 2023 to 27th May, 2023, the virtual refresher course consisted of 12 sessions covering varied topics of income tax. The topics covered were

1) Charitable Trust Taxation including recent amendments

2) Taxation of various Financial products including AIFs, REITs, INVITs etc, Recent amendments and issues (IFSC)

3) Taxation and Regulatory Aspects of various perquisites under Salaries including ESOPs

4) Recent Developments in Sec 195 covering issues in 15CA & 15CB

5) Taxation of Partnership Firms and LLPs on conversion incl. Issues on Amalgamation of LLPs

6) Taxation and Regulatory aspects of Start-ups

7) 56 (2) (x) – An Evolving Deeming Fiction along with 56(2)(viib), 50CA, 50B r.w.r. 11UAE

8) Taxation aspects of Redevelopment of Societies both from developer and the flat owner’s perspective (50C/43CA etc.)

9) Valuation Under Income Tax Law vis-à-vis other laws – How to solve this game

10) Case Studies on certain important aspects of Business Organisation & Reorganisation including M&A and Demergers

11) Notice & Assessments related to Foreign Assets vis-a-vis Black Money Act and it’s Interplay with PMLA and other Economic Offences Laws

12) Law of Evidence vis-à-vis Tax proceedings incl Examination and Cross Examination / Do’s & Dont’s of rendering Tax Advice ( special reference to handle arrest in such cases)

All the distinguished speakers shared their thoughts on the subject and their views on the practical issues arising out of them. They also engaged in a QnA with the participants and provided their insights. There was an overwhelming participation to the course with more than 650 registrations from across India.

11. Case Study based discussion on MLI

The International Taxation Committee of the Society conducted a hybrid meeting on 11th May, 2023. Titled, ‘:Case Study based discussion on MLI,’ the meeting was led by Group Leader CA. Ganesh Rajgopalan who discussed various case studies that were a part of the BCAS ITF conference held at Gandhinagar.

The group leader also discussed issues arising out of the amendment to the treaties on account of signing of the MLI by various countries (including India). He highlighted the nuances under select treaties and the compared the change in language thereof on account signing of MLI. During the meeting, the group leader also encouraged a discussion on various aspects besides addressing queries by the participants. The discussion provided great insights provided to the participants.

12. HRD Study Circle Meeting -”Narmada Parikrama”

The HRD Committee of the Society organised a hybrid Study Circle meeting on 9th May, 2023 to discuss the below-mentioned Flash Points/Glimpses from the Experience Shared at the above Meeting:

  • The Speaker, CA Prasad shared his experience of the Narmada Parikrama during the four months of November 2019 to March 2020. The walk was through the terrain of approximately 3,500 Kilometres in the state of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.
  • “NARMADE HAR” This is a Staple word used during the Narmada Parikrama. The speaker related the mixed emotions he experienced the Parikrama. He related his entire journey for the benefit of the Young Professionals. He said, today’s youth, whether CA’s or not, have a lot to learn about the decision making process. Practical decision to take a walk along with Maa Narmada Maiyya. It is the food for thought if one decides to walk the stretch of Ma Narmada and understand India.
  • There is great difference between qualification and enrichment. If one wants to enrich his or her experience with life, then, Narmada Parikrima is the Best Solution.
  • Narmada River is like a mother, walking around it is like being in the lap of mother Narmada River.
  • The walk teaches humility, patience, compassion and tolerance.
  • The walk teaches how the poor are very generous and always willing to give. The villagers around the Narmada will ensure that every pilgrim is well fed, though they have to go in the neighborhood far away to bring ingredients like flour to make chapatis. The villagers sometimes are so poor that they do not have both ends to meet, yet they think of the Pilgrims before themselves or their family members. Can we try to think of others in the world around us? This was first glimpse of “param artha”.
  • On being asked, whether one feels Homesick during the parikrama, the speaker answered that, there are so many interesting things in the nature and the atmosphere, that, one never feels homesick at all. In fact, sometimes, the persons feel that they should remain on the banks of Maa Narmada and not go back home.
  • Some of the questions raised by the audience included about reading books on Parikrama or see any movies. However, the speaker advised the participants to talk to less people and concentrate and work. Over study and over thinking leads to failure whether in exam or during this pilgrimage. The speaker gave examples of over study and failures in the CA exams which some might have experienced.

The session ended with a Pranam by the speaker to all the offline and online participants.

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13. Bringing hope when there is none left.

  • The HRD committee of the Society organised a meeting on 18th April, 2023 to spread awareness about Noble Social cause work carried on by Respected Mittal Maulik Patel, Founder and Managing Trustee, Vicharta Samuday Samarthan Manch(VSSM) who has been Honoured with Nari Shakti Award at National Level for most significant work in the field of women empowerment by the hands of His Excellency President Ram Nath Kovind and also awarded Nari Shakti Award at State Level for most significant work in the field of women empowerment by the hands of Honourable Governor of Gujarat O.P. Kohli.
  • She made detail presentation about VSSM, which is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to ensure and enable holistic development of the people belonging to the Nomadic, De-Notified Tribes and other marginalised section of the society addressing the interdependence and co evolution of human economies and biodiversity.
  • VSSM is working to empower the nomadic and de-notified communities while striving to create an inclusive society as well as government policies for these extremely marginalised sections of our society. Actively working for the welfare of the most downtrodden Nomadic and De-Notified tribes on several socio-economic problem related to education, livelihood, health, human rights, environment, water management, empowerment, building hostel for school children, etc.
  • The meeting ended with a heart-felt gratitude expressed by Mittalben, to the participants and prospective donors for their whole-hearted support to the organisation.
  • She made a further appeal to the members present to spread awareness about VSSM to support and contribute towards the noble work carried on by VSSM. Donation to VSSM is eligible under CSR.

14. Human Resources Development Committee – “Graphology-Handwriting Analysis”.

The HRD Committee of the Society organised a hybrid meeting on 11th April, 2023 at its premises. Led by Bhupesh Singh Dhundele, Graphologist, the meeting imparted the below teachings:

1. The participants were guided as to how they can analyse their own handwriting and those of others who they would like to know better.

2. Our Handwriting records our accurate picture of our real self because it is the end result of our brain in action. When we write we think. Handwriting reveals our personality, presence, authority.

3. Handwriting Analysis helps choose career.

4. Discussed how to explore the secrets of an individual hidden in their handwriting.

5. You are what you write. (Writing reflects your personal image)

6. Your nature lies in your signature. (Signature reflects your personal image)

7. Your writing is as unique as your thumb print.

8. It represents your personality. It is instant pen picture/mental X-ray of your total personality of that moment.

9. It is mind writing. People lost their hand in accidents/war, start writing with leg/mouth, achieve same handwriting after practice.

10. Graphology is a subject dealing with Graphs.

Presented by Mr. Bhupesh Singh Dhundele (Graphologist)

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