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From traditional classrooms to digital learning environments, the generational shift in student life reflects broader societal changes and technological advancements. While the traditional classroom era was characterized by face-to-face interactions and reliance on printed materials, the digital age has ushered in a new era of education marked by instant access to information, online collaboration, and personalized learning experiences.

A few examples of generational shift in student life include:

a. Learning Environment:

Present: Many educational institutions offer online courses and resources, providing flexibility in learning and access to a global network of educators and students.

Past: Learning was predominantly confined to traditional classrooms, with limited opportunities for distance learning or accessing resources outside of school.

b. Work Life Balance:

Present: Students today often juggle academics with part-time jobs, extracurricular activities, and social commitments, leading to a more hectic lifestyle.

Past: While some students worked part-time jobs, there was generally less pressure to balance multiple responsibilities, allowing for more leisure time.

c. Study Techniques:

Present: Students may utilize techniques such as online tutorials, interactive learning platforms, and educational apps to supplement their studies.

Past: Studying involved more traditional methods such as flashcards, handwritten notes, and group study sessions.

d. Focus on Mental Health:

Present: There is a greater awareness and emphasis on mental health issues among students, leading to increased support services and resources within educational institutions.

Past: Mental health issues were often overlooked or stigmatized, with limited resources available for students seeking help.

e. Access to Information:

Present: With the internet, students have instant access to a vast amount of information, making research faster and more convenient.

Past: Students had to rely on encyclopedias, physical books, and other printed materials for information which could be time-consuming to find and access.

Live Example: Research Method – Then vs. Now

In the past, students had to rely a lot on physical things to glean information. When they needed to research something, they would go to the library and look through card catalogues and piles of books to find what they needed.

These days, students use the internet for their research. Instead of going to the library, a quick search on websites helps fulfil the purpose.

AI – The Game- Changer: Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the contemporary landscape, fundamentally altering the way we operate and innovate.

In the past, students learned in the same manner in the class. But now, with AI, learning is more personalized. AI helps teachers understand each student better, so they can teach in a way that works best for the student. It is like having a smart helper in the classroom! AI also makes learning more fun with cool technology, like virtual reality. So, instead of just reading books, students can experience them in a whole new way. Overall, AI has changed education by making it more flexible and exciting for everyone involved. In India, AI is making a big impact too. It is helping teachers better understand each student’s needs and even handle administrative tasks such as like admissions and grading.

But there are some challenges too, like students relying too much on AI or using it to cheat. Schools need to be careful and use AI responsibly to ensure that no one abuses the power of AI. Overall, AI is a game-changer in Indian education, helping create a better learning experience for all.

The Benefits of Understanding: Understanding the generational shift in student life is imperative for parents, professors, teachers, educationists, policy makers alike.

⇒ Improve Teaching Practices: By understanding the differences in student experiences across generations, educators can adapt their teaching methods to cater to the diverse learning preferences of today’s students.

⇒ Preserve Cultural Heritage: Reflecting on the evolution of student life over time is also important for preserving cultural heritage and collective memory.

⇒ Frame Appropriate Educational Policy: Recognizing how student life has evolved over time can inform educational policy makers about the changing needs and preferences of students.

⇒ Support Student Wellbeing: Awareness of the challenges and pressures faced by modern students, such as information overload, digital distractions, and mental health issues, is essential for providing adequate support and resources.

In essence, knowing the generational shift in student life then and now allows us to adapt and evolve our educational practices, support systems, and societal norms to better meet the needs of present and future generations of students. As we reflect on the changes, let us embrace the positives and look forward to a future where every student can thrive, equipped with the skills and support they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

About the author –

Dhwanil holds a Global MBA in Finance from S P Jain School of Global Management and finished a certificate course in Forensic Audit from GFSU. With nearly 9 years of experience which also includes working in the Forensic and Fraud Investigation department of a Big 4 firm, and in the Audit and Assurance department of a large Indian firm. He enjoys traveling and exploring new ideas. He is a regular contributor to the journal of the Vasai Branch of the Western India Chartered Accountants Students Association of ICAI. He has recently launched his own consultancy company. He can be reached on


“Good morning, thangam!” a voice rang, accompanied with his customary cough. (thangam means gold in Tamil). My thatha – my grandpa called out affectionately to me, sitting in his favourite armchair placed in the left corner of the veranda, in front of our house. This was his morning ritual, reading the newspaper while simultaneously sipping his morning tea.

I responded, “Good morning, thatha!” It was a pleasant Sunday morning – I had managed to get a few days off amidst my hectic articleship days and had dashed off to my hometown to spend time with him. I sat beside him on the floor, with my coffee cup, pulling out a section of a newspaper from the stack arranged before him. While reading the newspaper, as usual, a lot of questions came to my mind. I did not need to Google or surf online. Because the man sitting on the armchair is my very own Wikipedia. Shooting tonnes of questions is a natural habit of mine – answering them patiently, one after the other, was his. Thatha would pick up a particular news item which, according to him, would be useful to me. That is how he injected the habit of reading newspapers in me!

Gradually he started to inquire about my work and workplace, “How is work?”, he asked.  “All good, thatha”, I replied in an unconvincing tone. “What makes you give a confused reply, thangam?” he gently asked. Without a second of hesitation, I poured out my heart to him. “I miss home terribly, thatha. I miss our family terribly. I miss you terribly!”, I cried. “Sacrifices are essential for you to achieve your goals, thangam. Coming out of your comfort zone is the real game of growth”, he quoted. “What is the point of having goals and growth in this uncertain life, thatha?” I asked. “Oh! That was deep – let me try and answer that”, he said.

 “To have a goal is to stay focused. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. If you are sincerely working towards something that you feel is important and honest, the positivity you feel and radiate is priceless. Who said goals must be higher and bigger? All you need to consider is, are you happy in the process? And you need to suffer at times to realise how precious the gift of happiness is. Life is a balance of both, thangam”, he added.

How could this man have apt answers for every single question? – my mind voiced to me. Be it doubts or my accomplishments. The first person within my family I would share these with, would be him. He would get more excited than I would, witnessing my triumphs. Whenever I shared my achievements with him, my family knew what would be his reaction – they could give anyone a running commentary without even having witnessed the event. Each time, tears would roll down his cheeks and he would rhythmically tap his thighs, to express his emotions.

Once, I narrated to him an incident where I was appreciated for moderating a motivational session. After his customary response, he wiped off his own tears and asked, “How are people out there?” “People?….” I dragged, “Yeah! They are good, thatha”, I added.

He looked at me with love in his eyes and said, “People are different, thangam. You may like some and dislike others. But learning to tackle people – now that is an art. Your world has widened now. It is not just our family anymore. Make conversations and explore different minds. Do not get attached though. Someday we are all going to leave our bodies. There is no point in attaching ourselves to people and material things, which are the root cause of all major suffering. Be who you are and not a reflection of what they are. Amidst a lot of negativities in the world, be a person who spreads positivity and love. If you give love without any expectation, it will come back to you in unexpected ways, thangam. Trust me!” he said.

It took me a few seconds to realise that I was not in a philosophy class anymore. “Sure thatha!”, I replied. I felt truly blessed having this one person in my life who would give me proper answers, even though their questions were unasked.

Suddenly, I remembered that my tuition teacher, who had taught me during my school days, had invited me over to her house. I told my thatha of my decision to visit her sometime in the next week – the reason being laziness, which both of us knew.

“Life is too short, thangam. Everyone has a very limited time. Life is unpredictable! Who knows what will happen the next minute. Embrace the present. Just live the moment! Do not make your people wait for you ever. Else, the regret would be huge”, he said and got ready to go to his room for his morning shower before breakfast. “Ok thatha. I will visit her today at 5.00 pm”, I replied. “That’s great!”, he replied.

It is now eighteen months since thatha left us. I sit on his armchair in the veranda, with my cup of coffee – a pile of newspaper stacked beside me, and of course, my mobile phone ready to clear any doubts I may have. I now ask myself questions – and wait for life to answer them. I cherishing his teachings – which remain etched in my heart like inscriptions on the temple walls. My source of comfort and learning is no longer outside of me, my thatha resides within me, in my heart – something for which I am truly grateful!

About the Author:

Sutharsha Rajaprakash, a graduate, is currently undergoing her articleship at an eminent audit firm in Coimbatore. Born in a typical Indian family, she dreams of creating her own identity and legacy. Her happiness lies in penning down the thoughts which overflow from her overthinking mind. She loves to post quotes, poems, and review books through her Instagram handle (sutharsha_rajaprakash). Mythology, self-help books, along with biographies and autobiographies, are the genre that interest her. She is a great movie freak and an avid music lover. Her passion for singing allows her to find solace amidst the hustle and bustle of life. An aspiring public speaker, she has won many elocutions and extempore competitions. She loves both the extremes – interacting with people and the state of solitude. She has an insatiable craving towards travelling, tasting different cuisines, and exploring different cultures. Her immense belief in the universe aids her in manifesting a life just the way, she wishes it to be.

She can be reached at

Embracing Change: A Journey of Growth, Solitude and Solo Adventures

The comfort of our childhood often shields us from the realities of adulthood. From meals appearing magically on the table, to the house being tidied up without lifting a finger, the cocoon of familial care envelops us in a world where responsibilities are but distant concepts. Grocery shopping? What’s that? The refrigerator and pantry seem to manage quite effortlessly, always stocked with one’s favourite treats as if by enchantment.

Our mother’s nurturing care shapes our culinary preferences, very often prioritizing our taste and liking over that of others (read adults) in the family. If a meal isn’t to our taste, she whips up something in a jiffy, ensuring we don’t go to bed hungry (and upset).

However, as years pass and we tread the path of growing up, a desire for independence simmers within. The idea of forging our own path, free from parental guidance, becomes irresistible. We long to explore life beyond the boundaries of our home, where privacy is highly regarded. Thus, when the opportunity to move out presents itself, we grasp it eagerly, excited to taste the sweet fruit of independence. It’s a rite of passage, a declaration to the world that we are ready to carve our own path, make our own decisions, and shoulder responsibilities that come with adulthood.

The transition from the familiar comforts of home, to the streets of a new city marks a significant journey for many. The excitement of a fresh start often intertwines with the challenges of bidding farewell to the familiar. Leaving home stirs a mix of emotions, blending the bittersweet taste of independence with the ache of missing family and friends. Such experiences quickly illuminate the various challenges that accompany independent living, fostering growth and self-discovery along the way.

Amidst the newfound freedom of living alone, homesickness can hit unexpectedly. In those moments, waves of longing for the warmth of family gatherings and the laughter of cherished friends wash over, leaving a lingering sense of loneliness. There’s a sadness in missing out on birthdays and anniversaries of friends and loved ones, wanting to be there in person, but having to settle for a video call instead. While technology allows virtual connections and distant conversations, there’s a unique comfort in physical presence that cannot be replicated. Despite the distance, the anticipation of the next visit home becomes a beacon of hope, a reminder that while the ache of missing loved ones may linger, there’s solace in knowing that reunions and shared moments of joy await on the horizon.

Weekdays at work breeze by, but some weekends bring a tinge of loneliness. In the solitude, one cannot help but reflect on how some friendships, like true anchors, stay strong despite the distance; while some are contingent on proximity and thrive only when tended to every day – else, they wither and fade into the background, leaving you to wonder whether the “friendship” ever meant anything beyond routine interactions. Like an unknown author said, people come into your life either for a reason, or a season, or a lifetime. Living away teaches the dynamics of many relationships. Through this experience, one learns to appreciate the enduring presence of true friends who stick around regardless, while cherishing the memories of those who gracefully fade into the past.

From learning to budget, to mastering the art of grocery shopping, the initial months are sure to be a rollercoaster of growth. Who had imagined adulting would involve so many spreadsheets? House hunting? A task and a half! It’s a delicate dance between compromise and wishful thinking. From the cozy apartments, to the studios, the options seem endless. Yet, finding the one that checks all (at least most of all!) the boxes is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Amidst the challenges, the daily routine of independent living becomes lessons in responsibility. Mastering the art of making the bed and doing laundry brings a sense of self-sufficiency. These mundane tasks, once ‘outsourced’, symbolize tangible growth in the newfound independence.

Amidst the homesickness and language barrier, there’s a glimmer of hope – the opportunity to embrace the unknown, to learn and grow in ways never imagined. With each stumbling conversation and missed bus stop, there’s a lesson in resilience and adaptability. And slowly, as the days turn into weeks and the weeks into months, the unfamiliarity of the city starts to dissolve some more. This is sure to be a transformative journey, with an undeniable thrill of exploring new places and embracing the unfamiliar. Each corner turned, every street walked, and every new face encountered is a chapter in the exciting novel of personal growth.

And then there’s the realization that it’s absolutely okay to do things alone. Eating in a restaurant, watching a movie – solo adventures do have their own charm. Here’s to the highs and lows, missing home-cooked meals, and discovering beauty in the uncomfortable.

Embracing the change unfolds as a gradual process, highlighting the fact that it is indeed the only constant. Through this journey, a previously unrecognized resilience is discovered. To all navigating a new chapter away from home – here’s a shoutout – go on, chase those dreams, embrace those uncertainties, create your own path, persevere and celebrate every victory – big or small.

About Kush:

Kush is a new member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), bringing with him a background in internal audit. Currently, he contributes to the GRCS team at a Big4 firm. Beyond the confines of his professional pursuits, Kush is passionate about baking and cooking. He is also an avid traveller.

Having recently embarked on a journey of relocation to a new city, this is the first piece of writing he has tried wherein he candidly shares insights on what he’s learned from living on his own, facing both tough times and successes.

He can be reached on


In the sacred chambers of every soul, an epic battle echoes – a relentless clash between the noble might of Ram and the intricate complexities of Ravana, declaring in unison, “We’ve all got a Ram and a Ravana inside us; the choice, the thunderous roar of destiny lies in which force we empower.”

When discussions twirl around the eternal battle of light versus dark, my mind invariably turns to the legendary tale of Ram and Ravana in the Ramayana. The dance of dualities finds its rhythm in this narrative, illustrating not only the age-old battle of good versus evil but also serving as an exploration into human nature and psychology. Within each of us, there exists the potential to sway towards the light or the dark – to empower the virtuous Ram or the mischievous Ravana within. Our true strength lies in our willingness to consciously choose to be better.

Amidst the trending personality quizzes, let us give a nod to Carl Jung, for attempting to map the human psyche as broadly as possible. He wisely put it:

“To be quite accurate, human nature is simply what it is; it has its dark and its light sides. The sum of all colours is grey – light on a dark background or dark on light.”

Born in the sunny island of Sri Lanka to a sage, Ravana was not just a mischievous demon king. No, indeed! He wore the crown of a king, the laurels of a scholarly genius, the mantle of an extraordinary ruler, and even the hat of a veena maestro. Talk about having a multi-talented villain in the neighbourhood! But alas, despite his intellectual prowess and multitasking finesse, he struggled to implement his vast knowledge. It is akin to possessing a palette of vibrant neon colours, but choosing only shades of grey to paint your canvas.

In the grand scheme of things, Ravana emerges as a character painted in hues of grey, much like the rest of us. But here is the kicker – his evil deeds spoke a lot louder than his knowledge, etching his name in history as a symbol of darkness. Exactly what Albus Dumbledore meant when he said, “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities”.

In our internal tug-of-war, where virtues and vices engage in a waltz of profound complexity, let us delve into transformative self-help insights, guiding the human psyche through the entwined narratives of Ram and Ravana as they share the stage, throwing not only punches but also thought-provoking punchlines.

Embrace your inner Ram and Ravana: Begin the journey of self-discovery by embracing the profound co-existence of light and dark within. Self-help embarks on a transformative path, encouraging us to embrace the entirety of our being, recognising the noble virtues akin to Ram and the complex intricacies reminiscent of Ravana. Your inner Ravana should no longer be shrouded in secrecy – the shadows within should no longer be branded as inherent evil. Instead, they are the facets of human experience that, when recognised and accepted, foster profound understanding, promoting personal growth and resilience. Time to witness the unexpected alliance of Ram and Ravana – shaking hands with each other – they are in a tag team like no other!

Conscious Choice – The VIP section of Destiny’s Nightclub: The legacy we leave is crafted through the choices we make. Enter the realm of wisdom as Dumbledore reemerges. No, he is not pulling any rabbits out of hats; he is pulling profound wisdom out of his sleeves. Your abilities are the show props, but the real magic lies in the choices you make, evoking thunderous applause from the audience! Ravana did possess the show props, but his magic show never met success!

Dive into the realm of conscious decision-making, where self-help prompts us to recognize that true strength lies in our ability to make choices that align with our higher virtues. Picture yourself in the VIP section of Destiny’s Nightclub, making conscious choices while sipping on wisdom cocktails. And the Club’s ideal bouncer? The Ram inside you – ensuring that only the virtuous get past the velvet rope. Because who wants the mischievous Ravana causing chaos in the VIP lounge of your life?

Ravana’s Internal Struggles- A Cautionary Tale in Self-Help: Reflect on Ravana’s narrative as a cautionary tale within the self-help paradigm. What cast him as the villain of the story? Were his traits influenced by the stains left on his soul through trials like Vedavathi’s curse, weaving a web of guilt and remorse? Perhaps it was the strained relationship with his brother Vibhishana, marked by betrayal and dissent, or the loss of Mandodari’s unwavering support and understanding. Did Ravana require a PhD in internal chaos management, and could therapy have been the solution? Does not that leave us pondering whether such interventions could have genuinely altered the trajectory of Ravana’s character?

Now, asking for help might sound scarier than a horror movie marathon, but hey, even Ravana could have used a little therapy. Admitting you need help may demand an extraordinary amount of courage and strength, but the transformative power it holds can reshape your life for the better. Embrace the opportunity to rewrite your story or to give it a better ending, because why not – your life could probably use a few plot twists along the way!

Mindful Living – The VIP Backstage Pass: Mindful living is not just a backstage pass; it is the VIP backstage pass to the concert of your life! Integrate the lessons learned from Ram and Ravana’s dance into daily life. Mindful living, a cornerstone of self-help, involves being present in every decision, acknowledging the dance of dualities within, and aligning actions with the values that lead to personal fulfilment and growth. In your grand journey, find solace in the awareness that every thread, every choice weaves a narrative uniquely yours – an epic worthy of celestial archives!

In the wise words of Sirius Black, “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” So, choose your dance moves wisely, because my friend, you are not just the dancer; you are the choreographer of your destiny!

May your journey be filled with your choice of punchlines, plot twists that align with your virtues and a standing ovation for the lead dancer – you!

About the author:

Srinidhi Vinod, a B. Com graduate is currently on her quest to conquer the realm of Chartered Accountancy, undergoing articleship at a leading audit firm in Coimbatore. Beyond the rigours of number crunching, she harbours a deep passion for art, finding pure joy in creative pursuits. Diving into the magical world of literature, she finds refuge in the spellbinding tales of Harry Potter. She also delights in embarking on culinary adventures, earning her the title of a foodie. Her love for reading and travel serve as the wind beneath her curious wings to unravel the world around her.

She can be reached on


Most use ‘worthiness’ as a fancy concept, but few dig deep to understand what’s hidden beneath something so powerful. As evident, unworthiness is a malady which afflicts all mankind. As an age-old epidemic, it creeps into the system, feeding on the ego since forever.

In these modern times, every person suffers from the perils of competition and comparison, which makes one feel unworthy of fully expressing their uniqueness. Consequently, we all become perpetual doers trying to prove our worth by stressing/ stretching to gather accolades and appreciations from significant others.

It’s obvious that only the ego wins in such a battle against oneself. Sadly, our value is measured by what we do rather than Who We Are. Intrinsically, this is how our society conditions us, preparing us for failure and disappointments. Strangely, in the name of hard work, we begin attracting hardships, primarily because we believe that we are unworthy of success if we haven’t struggled enough.

Not surprising, the statistics for unworthiness felt by women far exceeds that felt by men, as a woman’s threshold for endurance is way higher than her counterpart’s. Women are ranked somewhere at the lower bottom on the scale of worthiness. Interestingly, women are themselves responsible for getting to this stage, because undoubtedly, they are good at doubting their whole purpose and existence. So, what really is unworthiness and why is it particularly of concern for women! Let’s explore the broad spectrum of how it has damaged the core essence of the female fraternity.

As children, we are all born worthy, experiencing the Self as pure consciousness. However, education and conditioning create the idea of separation from Source. Soon, we start investing our powers in others and adhering to their commands, believing that everybody else knows what is best for us, other than our own selves. For a woman, this manipulation begins rather early because she is made to believe that she is inferior to a man.

The interesting thing to note here is that a woman always knows that she is being trampled upon, misjudged and also misled, but the courage to stand up for who she is always takes a back seat. The question here is, when will a woman show up to honour her wellbeing and embrace her femininity?

The truth is that women are positioned at the leading edge of the universe, representing Mother Earth, the Shakti, which is the seat of manifestation. Wouldn’t it be great if women begin seeing themselves for who they are, and claim what’s theirs to celebrate and cherish? It’s crucial that the Kundalini is awakened so this power operates at its highest potential and guides humankind towards their evolution.

The time is now and the job is ours to do. Many will crumble under the fear of opening up to Source because our treasure has long been hidden from us, hence women are known to belittle themselves, not knowing that it’s a disgrace to not celebrate the feminine energy. As the woman breathes life into matter, it’s her privilege to rise before the sun and embrace her own light.

Dear Woman, are you ready for such a destiny that calls for you to prioritise your purpose over your personal agendas? For only those women will be deemed Heros in the truest sense, and who are ready to be christened as Goddesses.

Claiming one’s worthiness is not a battle to be fought where others stand across the fence. It’s not a war outside, but it certainly is a war within. If women are done shadowing others, then they must know that they would have to create breakthroughs in the way they perceive the world.

Most women are busy victimising themselves and in doing so, they play small, satisfied as being the ones who sacrifice. Morality overpowers authenticity every single time. It’s important to recognise that when a woman seeks attention by playing ‘poor me’, she compromises on her dignity by choosing a poor substitute instead of declaring that She exists.

As women, we need to let the world know that we have the power to alter destinies. Many fight for women empowerment, but only those who believe that they are not empowered join the clan. Here is where we need to change gears.

Are we ready to believe that we are equal?

A woman doesn’t have to fight for her worthiness, she IS worthy. She only has to Believe that She Is. This will require not just courage but also commitment to rise above the conditioning of treating the self as secondary. And to do that, we’d need to fight the demons of our own minds. Indeed, it is the mind that needs an overhaul! Our minds are our creative tools and once we alter the hardened neurological pathways, the universe will oblige the Devi within. Nothing comes in our way as much as we do. This is the seeming challenge to conquer.

There are umpteen ways that can be exemplified as a ‘To Do List’ for a woman to follow, so she feels worthy. But that’s not the focus here. Nor are we suggesting any pills on worthiness. This article is a wake-up call to all the beautiful women who need to awaken to their own inner power and inner beauty, so as to recognise that they are the Source of their own joy, love and peace. That they need nothing to complete themselves for they are whole and complete already.

This is a reminder to every Parvati, that her Shiva is within her and she can feel safe and secure in her own Being. This is for You and Me to know and believe that we are magnificent and our hearts are abodes of divine love. And when it comes to worthiness, it’s now totally up to us to honour it. We can’t wait any longer for somebody to announce it to us.

Claiming our worthiness is about creating a vibrational shift in the way we feel about ourselves. And if we have to bring that shift today, then we will have to claim the Divine feminine and appreciate that we are made in the image and likeness of Maa Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. If this isn’t enough for us to awaken to our true identity, then what is?


About : Naz Chougley

Naz is an Aspirations Coach, an Emotional Therapist and a Meditation Teacher with over 20 years of experience. Her expertise involves providing perspectives beyond the confines of the logical mind, to support working professionals as well as individuals across all age groups. As a Law of Attraction Teacher, she helps people question their limiting beliefs, aspire higher and set intentions for personal evolution. She instils the values of gratitude, surrenderance, humility, acceptance, appreciation and present moment awareness. Her purpose is to enhance the wellbeing of people and enable them to recognise their worthiness, so they can attract their personal abundance.

Naz can be reached on

The Quest for the Meaning of Life


Disconnected in a Connected World

A new drug has recently been making its way around town, turning its consumers into addicts. After enslaving the adult population, it has now turned its attention towards the younger generation. Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s nothing but smartphone addiction.

It all began with the empty swings in the park. The playground is now less crowded than it used to be. COVID-19 had a definite impact, but our children have not ventured outside their homes even after COVID-19. Why should they when they have their friend Mr. Ring-Ring at home?

To keep the kids entertained, we’ve designed their lives so that they can’t eat without watching a YouTube video or sleep without playing a mobile game. Worse, children now have access to the internet and the dark corners of social media, where they are exposed to inappropriate content for their age. Are we denying our children the opportunity to experience childhood?

With so much dependence on smartphones, we are raising an army of human robots devoid of human touch, healthy lifestyles, emotions, and feelings. They turn out to be overly smart, dishonest, selfish, and competitive, with little or no regard for the well-being of others. But are they the ones to blame?

Children follow in the footsteps of their elders. But what can be done when the older generation themselves, cannot live without their smart toys?

This reminds me of a recent conversation I came to know about –
M – Rahul!!! Finished dinner?
R – Not yet Mom.
M – Look at the time. What are you up to now?
R – I’m with the boys’ mom. I’ll eat soon.
M – Don’t lie to me. Finish dinner now and then do whatever you want to.
R – The boys are waiting for me, Mom.
M – You are finishing dinner now, or do you want me to come up to your room now and take away your phone?
R – No ma. Give me 5 mins. We’re just wrapping up this group call. I’ll TTYL.
M – OK (Thumbs up)

You’ve probably guessed by now. This is not a typical conversation. The mother and her son are texting about dinner while sitting in the same house; the son is on the phone with his friends. This is where the world is heading. With a smartphone in hand, the entire family has retreated into separate rooms to stay connected with the unreal world, forgetting about the people who live with them in the same house.

We have already lost a lot due to our smartphones without even realizing it –

1. Falling attention span –

Did you know that people’s attention spans are getting shorter? According to Dr. Gloria Mark’s research, average screen attention was 2.5 minutes in 2004, 75 seconds in 2012, and 47 seconds in the last five years.

According to research, young adults aged 18 to 25 check their phones 56 times per day, or every 15 minutes.  This is largely due to the constant flow of information we face daily. Our phones are flooded with notifications, some of which are useful but many of which are not, so it is critical to be mindful of what distracts our productivity.

2. Negative impact on relationships –

With the increased usage of WhatsApp and SMS, we have reduced the number of face-to-face interactions with the people around us. We have lost the ability to read faces and to understand feelings through quivering voices. Nowadays, true intentions and feelings are hidden behind various emoticons that don’t even come close to expressing what one is feeling. We’ve started living in a world that is far from reality.

3. Increasing mental health issues –

Excessive social media use has been linked to depression caused by comparison and feelings of inadequacy. There has also been undue pressure to conform to a particular way of life or standard. This is because someone’s reality is frequently compared to another’s polished bright lifestyle. However, what one fails to understand is the reality behind the scenes of the bright smiles.

So, how do we step out of this addiction?

1. Acceptance and self-awareness –

The first step towards self-improvement is admitting that you need to change. The next thing to do is to figure out the level of addiction. Ironically, several apps on the internet can tell you how much time you spend on your phone. If you spend more than 4-5 hours per day on your phone, it’s time to reconsider your lifestyle.

By beginning to monitor your usage and determining when and where you spend your time, you can become more aware of how you spend it and decide what is important enough to allow as a distraction. You could also try a digital detox weekend to see how you’d do without your phone.

2. Reduce usage of infinity pool apps –

Dopamine is known as the “feel-good hormone,” and it is the hormone that motivates you to do numerous activities. Authors of the book “Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day” discuss how certain apps are like infinity pools and can steal the dopamine meant for doing difficult tasks. Infinity pools are apps that entice you with constant engagement, making it difficult to leave. An example is the never-ending reels on Instagram and YouTube. They provide you with never-ending content with a single swipe of your hand, and you don’t realize that with each swipe, you are swiping away hours and extinguishing your dopamine secretion.

3. Replace with healthier habits –

The best way to break a bad habit is to replace it with a good one, and the best way to stop spending time on the phone is by using it for something else. The next time you feel your phone is drawing you in, pick up a book instead or start a new hobby that does not involve the internet. Do you require a short break?  Try going for a short walk without your phone. There will be a sense of loss at first, but this is how you will eventually gain freedom.

While our smartphones allow us to stay connected to the world 24 hours a day, they also take away our real world without our noticing. It is our responsibility as adults and elders to steer clear of this addiction and set good examples for the younger generation.

There is a Tamil proverb that translates to, “Even too much nectar is poison.”

It’s high time we break free from these 5.5-inch cages and enjoy the sweetness of the nectar in limited quantities.

About the AuthorCA. R. Shruthi

Shruthi Rajaram is a Chartered Accountant and Certified Fraud Examiner by profession, and a writer by passion. She currently holds a prominent role as an Internal Auditor in the Banking and Financial Services space. In her free time, you can find her face inside the pages of a heavy book. She is an active writer and writes across various social media platforms. She is interested in topics of Human Psychology, Mindset, Biases, Habits, and Personal Development. She believes that there are no limits in life, and if there are, they are there only to be broken. Her long-term ambition is to write a best-selling book and be a member of the writing staff for a thriller television series.

She can be reached on: @ or @


Though many of us have grumbled about not getting along with either the younger or older generation, have we ever wondered why this happens? Have we ever thought about why we are unable to relate to both these generations? Is it just the age we live in? What is this generation divide all about?

We all have feelings that we encounter on a daily basis. They add colour and purpose to our life, making it intriguing and fulfilling. Emotions, whether they be joy, sorrow, rage or love, have a significant impact on how we perceive and engage with the outside world. We experience extreme joy and excitement on occasions, and sadness or angst on another. Emotions have a significant impact on how we feel, think, act, and interact with others. Understanding our emotions makes life’s journey more rewarding and joyful by assisting us in making sense of who we are and of the people around us.

The term “generation gap” describes the differences and occasionally, the misunderstandings that take place between persons of various ages. Every generation has its own values, beliefs, and life experiences. Conflicts or disagreements between older and younger people can result from this. Each generation may perceive the other as either being out of touch with contemporary culture or lacking in their regard for our rich traditional practices. Acknowledging and accepting these distinctions can foster greater inter-generational harmony and partnership, enabling all people to share knowledge and collaborate for a better future.

Have you realised that emotional divide is another factor contributing to the generation gap? The emotional bond that we form with someone also determines the distance we feel from them.

In January 2023, I visited one of the tourist spots known as PARAMBIKULAM. The place borders both the states of Tamilnadu and Kerala and is home to many plants and animals. Parambikulam is a reserve forest and serves as one of the major water sources for both states. We were staying nearly 30 kms away from the dam and we were taken on a jungle safari to visit it.

The safari took us through a dense forest, after nearly 5 kilometers, we suddenly came across a small settlement of families. The next 25 kms were again through the dense forest with no human beings in sight. My thoughts, after travelling 30 kms, were still with the people in the settlement. All I had noticed were a few small houses, a temple, a small school probably for the kids there and a football ground. I felt EMOTIONALLY connected with them, and empathized with them – how terrible it must be for them – should a medical emergency arise, they have to travel to the nearby town called POLLACHI which is 50 kms away.

A few months later, in April 2023, I travelled to another place called MIRIK, a two-hour tedious journey from Siliguri. The road was literally a two-way track through a steep ghat section. I saw few settlements throughout the journey. They had no development facilities. I did not see any school or primary health center. All the residents between Siliguri and Mirik need to travel to either of these places in case of an emergency. Once I reached Mirik, however, I had forgotten about the people I saw during my journey. I enjoyed the pleasant weather, and was very eager to explore the place, its culture, its food, and way of living.

Once I returned to my hometown, I reminisced about both these trips, and I suddenly wondered – WHY WAS I NOT IN THE POSITION TO EMOTIONALLY CONNECT WITH THE PEOPLE ON MY WAY TO MIRIK AS I HAD DONE ON MY PREVIOUS TRIP?

After a lot of introspection, I realised that it was due to the emotional connection I felt with the culture and people in Parambikulam.

Every now and then I meet a lot of new people. As a Chartered Accountant, I have several opportunities to regularly talk to elders and youngsters alike – who are either my clients, professional acquaintances or articled assistants. In life as we age, we find it hard to understand the young more and more. We choose to blame the generation gap and move on.

We give so much importance to the intelligence quotient (IQ), but we never try to understand our own emotions. As we grow, we must mature, and as we go around interacting with people of all ages, we must adapt to their varied emotional needs.

The fact that I was able to connect emotionally with the local people (who were essentially my contemporaries) and was unable to do so with the other people (who were either younger or older than me) made a dent in my emotional quotient (EQ).

I believe that our profession demands that we equip ourselves to match the younger generation to stay in the competition – especially in the understanding and use of technological advancements. But no one has taught us how to stay emotionally connected with the younger or older generations. No one has taught us how to understand their emotional needs.

A quote that I read somewhere by the American journalist and social-political activist, Gloria Steinem comes to mind, “WE NEED TO REMEMBER ACROSS GENERATIONS THAT THERE IS AS MUCH TO LEARN AS THERE IS TO TEACH”

We are so very eager to teach when someone approaches us; we never get into the emotional need of the other generation. How beautiful would this world be if we stop, empathize, and try to understand each other EMOTIONALLY rather than hastily labelling these encounters. Until we start making an effort, the bridge will never get built.

About the AuthorCA M. Maalan Bharathi

Maalan Bharathi is a practicing chartered accountant from Coimbatore. He enjoys speaking and has spoken to students on a variety of subjects. He is pursuing several certifications in emotional intelligence since he is fascinated by understanding human emotions. Under the pen name “underage optimist”, he has written a variety of pieces because he loves to write so much.

He can be reached on: